Thailand Travel Tips and Customs
- Be Polite - Thai people hold being polite above all else. Their very language has politeness built into it. If you follow what is considered "common courtesy" you will be fine.
- Thai King - The Thai People Love their King, King Rama IX. Never show any type of disrespect to him. The Thai people have a deep traditional reverence for the Royal Family, and the visitor should also show respect for the King and the Queen, and the Royal Children. When attending a public event where a member of the Royal Family is present, the best guide on how to behave is to watch the crowd and do as it does.
- Safety - Stealth crimes, such as pick pocketing, are the most common problem so it's worth keeping a close eye on your belongings at all times and being aware of the people around you. Unprovoked violence against tourists are very rare, but it pays to exercise common sense.
- National Religion - Buddhism is Thailand's national Religion with nearly 95% of Thailand's population being Buddhist. All Buddha images are considered sacred and there are laws against removing these images for anything other that personal worship.
- Buddhist Monks - It is forbidden for women to touch Buddhist Monks, this includes a woman handing something to a Monk, The items should be first given to a man, who hands the item to the monk.
- Buddhist Temple - Wearing shoes around a temple is acceptable but they should be removed when entering their church (the area where the Buddha image is kept).
- Be Quiet - Loud people are considered impolite. Speak softly and do not laugh loudly. Of course there are the common places such as bars that being loud is appropriate.
- Food - Food in Thailand is customarily HOT, spicy HOT. For the westerner visiting foriegner, the best tip i can give them is how to ask to make the food less spicy. There are two phrases to be used based on you preference: 1) "mai ped" - not spicy and 2) "ped nit noi" - a little bit spicy. But the food is awesome in Thailand, this tip should help you enjoy it even more.
- Body Odor - Thai people almost never smell badly and they find it offensive if others do.
- Crowds - if you go to areas in Thailand during Thai holiday's and celebrations, be prepared to encounter many people. To Western experience the volume of these areas can be incredible. Be prepared to be pushed and shoved and be aware that they mean no harm. Thai people
- Watch where you walk - The side walks in Bangkok are uneven and full of obstacles, pay attention. Oh, also, the streets have many stray dogs; the dogs are not aggressive but do leave landmines on the sidewalks.
- Taxi drivers (enough said) - Most taxi drivers are fine. Generally, it is always better to use the metered taxis. Tuktuks are always more expensive and with Bangkok traffic you could be breathing in a lot of smog on the way. If you are going a significant distance negotiate... Also, the Taxis marked "We love farang, we speak English", well most of them do not. They do have a radio that has a person that knows a little English.
- Movie Theater - After the advertising and right before the movie a tribute to the Thai King Comes on and everyone stands in respect.
- Driving in Thailand - If you are a brave one and decide that you want drive yourself around Thailand, don't be too worried, it really isn't that bad. There are just several things to understand. Drivers use the left side instead of the right, like in the US, and the roads tend to be narrower than in the US. So driving next to a bus or a truck can be a little intimidating.
Following these tips will allow you to have better understanding of the Thai people and more fun in your stay in Bangkok, allowing the locals to be more comfortable with you and give you a better understanding of how things function in Thailand.
Please visit our Website for more ideas for traveling in Thailand.
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Christopher Snyder is the owner of Asia Products LLC and currently is living in Bangkok, Thailand managing an e-commerce store buying products to sell on He is documenting some of his more interesting travels in his Asia Travel Ideas website: You can email him using "".
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